● Learn this trick to add more interesting to your content by expanding your images in your posts, This simple script for folks who want to have an image expand onMouseover (Set its to actual size).
● Expando Image is AJAX friendly, meaning imported content with images with the "
" class will be immediately recognized by the script.● Installation is simple- install the script in the HEAD section of the page, then give your "thumbnail" images a CSS class of "
"To do it just follow this simple two steps, In the first as usual copy/paste this code in head area or between <head>...here...</head> tags:
<style type="text/css">And this:
img.expando{ /*sample CSS for expando images. Not required but recommended*/
border: none;
vertical-align: top; /*top aligns image, so mouse has less of a change of moving out of image while image is expanding*/
<script type="text/javascript">In the second when you posting and before adding images just copy your image look like this ex.code:
/* Expando Image Script ©2008 John Davenport Scheuer
as first seen in http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/
username: jscheuer1 - This Notice Must Remain for Legal Use
if (document.images){
var cos, a = /Apple/.test(navigator.vendor), times = a? 20 : 40, speed = a? 40 : 20;
var expConIm = function(im){
im = im || window.event;
if (!expConIm.r.test (im.className))
im = im.target || im.srcElement || null;
if (!im || !expConIm.r.test (im.className))
var e = expConIm,
widthHeight = function(dim){
return dim[0] * cos + dim[1] + 'px';
resize = function(){
cos = (1 - Math.cos((e.ims[i].jump / times) * Math.PI)) / 2;
im.style.width = widthHeight (e.ims[i].w);
im.style.height = widthHeight (e.ims[i].h);
if (e.ims[i].d && times > e.ims[i].jump){
e.ims[i].timer = setTimeout(resize, speed);
} else if (!e.ims[i].d && e.ims[i].jump > 0){
e.ims[i].timer = setTimeout(resize, speed);
}, d = document.images, i = d.length - 1;
for (i; i > -1; --i)
if(d[i] == im) break;
i = i + im.src;
if (!e.ims[i]){
im.title = '';
e.ims[i] = {im : new Image(), jump : 0};
e.ims[i].im.onload = function(){
e.ims[i].w = [e.ims[i].im.width - im.width, im.width];
e.ims[i].h = [e.ims[i].im.height - im.height, im.height];
e (im);
e.ims[i].im.src = im.src;
if (e.ims[i].timer) clearTimeout(e.ims[i].timer);
e.ims[i].d = !e.ims[i].d;
resize ();
expConIm.ims = {};
expConIm.r = new RegExp('\\bexpando\\b');
if (document.addEventListener){
document.addEventListener('mouseover', expConIm, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseout', expConIm, false);
else if (document.attachEvent){
document.attachEvent('onmouseover', expConIm);
document.attachEvent('onmouseout', expConIm);
<p>If you see we add the expando class to order the script, Now you can change values for width and height.
<img class="expando" border="0" src="Your Image Url" width="100" height="75">
Have fun, Well done (-;
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